Patient rights and forms

In order for you to be able to handle your affairs at Orton as smoothly as possible, we have collected all instructions concerning patient rights as well as all forms on this page.

Below you will find information as follows:
1) Patient affairs and patient ombudsperson
2) Content, review and sharing of patient documents
3) Requirement to rectify patient data
4) Request to review log data
5) Request for clarification on the processing of patient data
6) Power of attorney for acting on behalf of another person
7) Assessment of a minor’s decision-making capacity
8) Permission to access your patient data
9) Processing and data protection of your data
10) Orton’s personal data registers
11) Notification of content on the Orton website
12) Objections

1. Patient affairs

Patient contact person and patient ombudsperson

If you are still unsure about anything concerning your treatment, or if you would like to provide feedback on your treatment at Orton, please contact the Orton patient contact person.

If you need advice regarding your rights in social services and health care, you can contact the social services and patient ombudsperson in the City of Helsinki.

See contact information and detailed instructions

2. Content, review and sharing of patient documents

Patient documents mean the documents used to organize and implement a patient’s treatment. They contain information about the patient’s personal data or health status. You have the right to review what personal data has been stored about you and the purpose for which the data was collected.

You can easily check your information in

If you prefer, you can also request your information in writing from Orton via submitting a Request for patient documents or by making a free-form request.

We will provide the documents in accordance with the patient’s request either by post or via a secure email connection. The patient can also pick up the documents from Orton, in which case they must provide proof of identity with a photo ID. If the patient would like someone else to pick up the documents, this person needs to present a power of attorney. The holder of the power of attorney must provide proof of their identity with a photo ID.

A person can review their information free of charge once a year, and after this, the documents and/or repeated delivery of documents will cost EUR 25/delivery which is paid with the invoice attached to the delivery (possible deliveries abroad will be separately priced).

3. Requirement to rectify patient data

You have the right to request rectification of inaccurate information about you or to have your incomplete information supplemented in the patient information system. The health care professional will work together with the head physician to process the request and assess whether there are any grounds for the requested changes.

You also have the right to request the deletion of your data. However, it is good to note that our operations are subject to a number of specific laws and we cannot delete data if there is a legal obligation to retain such data. The long retention periods for personal data protect the rights of clients as well as Orton.

You can make a request for the rectification or deletion of your data by using a requirement for rectification of data stored in the patient register or by using a free-form request.

4. Request to review log data

If you wish, you have the right to know who has processed your data. However, you are not entitled to access this log data if it is known that disclosing log data could pose a serious risk to the client’s health or the rights of another person. Also, the access rights to log data do not extend to data that is more than two years old unless there is a specific reason for this.

You may request information in writing by using a Request to review log r by using a free-form request. A request for log data is processed as a request for information, and no separate clarifications will be made as a result.

5. Request for clarification on the processing of patient data

If, based on the log data you have reviewed, you suspect that your data has been mishandled, you have the right to make a written request for clarification. You can make a request by using a Request for clarification on the processing of patient data or by using a free-form request. The request should include the grounds and known facts on the basis of which you are requesting a clarification.

6. Power of attorney for acting on behalf of another person

If you find it difficult to handle your affairs at Orton in person, you can grant another person a power of attorney for authorizing them to handle your affairs on your behalf. Authorization must be made in writing using the form Power of attorney for acting on behalf of another person or by submitting a free-form power of attorney.

We will verify the identity of the authorizer at Orton upon delivery of the power of attorney. If the authorized person provides a power of attorney on behalf of a client, the power of attorney should have two (2) competent witnesses of age. In this case, we will verify the identity of the authorized person at the time of delivery of the power of attorney.

7. Assessment of a minor’s decision-making capacity

If you are under 18 years of age:

A health care professional will assess your ability to make decisions concerning affairs related to your treatment and, if you are considered capable of making decisions, you can decide whether your guardian is able to see the information related to your affairs. The assessment will be done separately for each visit.

You can take care of the affairs of your minor in health care and request to access the minor’s patient documents and receive a copy of them, unless the disclosure of the data has been prohibited by the decision-making minor. As a guardian, you have the right to act on behalf of a minor on the basis of the guardianship.

8. Permission to access your patient data

In order for us to be able to provide you with safe and timely care of good quality, we hope that you give permission to use your patient data before you arrive at Orton by going to and selecting the ”Tietojen käytön hallinta” section (Management of Data Use).

If you have not given your permission or are unable to do so via MyKanta, you can also give Orton permission to use your information by using the form Permission to share medical records.

9. Processing and data protection of your data

Data protection means the protection of privacy when processing personal data.
Patient information and information about the use of medical services are, in principle, considered confidential information. A health care professional may not, without the written consent of the patient or their legal representative, provide information contained in medical records to third parties.

10. Orton’s personal data registers

We collect personal data in registries whose purpose and content are described in the Privacy statements. If you suspect that your data has been processed in violation of the data protection legislation, you can contact Orton’s data protection officer.

11. Notification of content on the Orton website

If you, as a user, encounter content on the Orton website that you believe is illegal, you always have the right to report it to the service provider by using Notification of the content on the Orton website, and the provider has an obligation to process the matter.

12. Making an objection

A patient who is dissatisfied with their health and medical care or associated treatment, has the right to make an objection to the head of health care in the health care unit (Act on the Status and Rights of Patients 785/1992, Section10). You can make an objection using this form: Objection form.