These terms of use apply to the use of the online appointment service owned and maintained by Orton Oy. You are deemed to have accepted the Terms of Service and to comply with them when you access and use Orton’s online booking site.
Hardware prerequisites
To use the service, you need an Internet connection and a web browser:
· Google Chrome, latest or two previous versions.
· Mozilla Firefox, the latest or two previous versions.
· Safari, latest or previous version.
· Microsoft Edge
The user is always responsible for the up-to-dateness of the hardware and software required for the use of the service and their suitability for the use of the service.
Booking a time with strong identification
Our online appointment booking requires strong electronic authentication, which you can do with a bank ID or mobile certificate.
By identifying yourself, you can book an appointment securely and we will identify you reliably.
Your information travels in a secure connection and the identification service processes personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Act, taking care of privacy.
You should not make an online booking for another person using your own bank or mobile ID.
When using the service for the first time, booking is required to book an appointment.
Cancellation of the allotted time
You can also cancel the time booked online or by phone via online booking. Cancellation is done via the “My Account” function in online appointment or by calling our appointment number 09 4748 2705 or by Security Mail no later than 12 noon the previous day. For irrevocable time or late cancellation, we reserve the right to charge a fee equal to the visit fee.
Only appointments can be cancelled via online booking. Examinations and treatments need to be cancelled by telephone.
We serve also by phone
If there are no available vacancies for the doctor or specialist you have chosen, please inquire about appointments on our appointment number 09 4748 2705.
Limitation of liability
Orton will update and develop the online booking service and its other online services as needed and strive to ensure that the service works flawlessly and quickly. However, Orton does not guarantee the accuracy or availability of its online services. Orton is also not liable for damages, indirect or consequential, that may be caused by the user by using Orton’s online meeting or other Orton online services.
Orton shall not be liable for any interruption in the online meeting due to, for example, maintenance work, technical defects, upgrades, upgrades or other similar reasons, nor shall it be liable for damages that may arise as a result of Orton’s online meeting functioning or not working. Orton is not responsible for the use of users’ telecommunication connections and does not provide instructions for the operation or installation of telecommunication connections.
Use of cookies
Orton’s website uses cookies. Cookies are information about the use of the online service, which is stored on the user’s computer. If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, you can block their use. However, cookies must be used when we handle the online meeting service.