We provide X-ray and other imaging services in Orton Hospital in Ruskeasuo (Helsinki) as well as in HUS (Helsinki University Hospital) Imaging X-ray and medical imaging units in the metropolitan area.
Orton Hospital
You can have both your appointment and your X-ray examination prescribed by a doctor made at the same time in Orton Hospital. In Orton Hospital, you are offered the following imaging services:
- Native X-ray examination
- Computed tomography (CT)
- Ultrasound examinations
Please see Orton’s contact information and opening hours.
Orton´s imaging services costs are not reimbursed by Kela (Finnish Social Security Institution).
Helsinki University Hospital´s (HUS) imaging services
We use Helsinki University Hospital´s (HUS) imaging services.
We can provide demanding or rare tests that are not available for private patients elsewhere in Finland. A referral from an Orton´s doctor is needed for examinations.
Kela (Finnish Social Security Institution) does not reimburse the costs of Helsinki University Hospital´s (HUS) imaging services.