Repetitive TMS

In the specia­lised field of clinical neurop­hy­siology, we provide repetitive TMS, that is, transc­ranial stimu­lation that is delivered as a sequence of magnetic pulses. 

What is repetitive TMS? 

During repetitive transc­ranial magnetic stimu­lation (repetitive TMS or rTMS), magnetic pulses are adminis­tered exter­nally to the cerebral cortex. The procedure is non-invasive, painless and harmless. Magnetic pulses can be used to influence pain-regulating neural networks. 

What problems can be treated with rTMS? 

We administer rTMS to patients suffering from severe nerve pain if other methods of treatment have either been unsui­table or proved inadequate. Typically, patients will have severe facial nerve pain, phantom pain, or localised complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), or be suffering from post-stroke pain. 

Where is treatment provided? 

HUS Helsinki University Hospital patients are treated in the Clinical Neurop­hy­siology Unit at Meilahti Tower Hospital. 

How do I get treatment? 

You must have a referral for pain management from a specialist (for example, a neuro­logist), or you can seek treatment from a physician specia­lising in Helsinki University Hospi­tal’s rTMS. Treatment requires an MRI scan of the head (see below for more infor­mation). Your referring physician or Helsinki University Hospital physician will give you a referral for this scan. 

Care package 

Treatment consists of the following stages: 

  1. Initial assessment of treatment needs

    A neuro­logist and nurse specia­lising in Helsinki University Hospi­tal’s rTMS will examine the patient at the appointment. If an MRI scan has yet to be performed, a physician will provide a referral for an MRI scan.

  2. MRI scan of the head

    The MRI can be performed at the HUS Medical Imaging Center, or the patient may obtain a referral to have an MRI performed at their desired research facility. As this is a specia­lised exami­nation, there are certain quality criteria for imaging, and we will provide separate instruc­tions on this. When the MRI is performed at the HUS Medical Imaging Center, no separate instruc­tions are required and both the referral and results will be sent elect­ro­nically.
    An MRI of the head taken at an external research facility will be burned onto a CD, which the patient will then send to Helsinki University Hospi­tal’s customer service along with the physician’s expert opinion. 

  3. rTMS treatment

    Treatment will typically be adminis­tered over a period of two weeks, for 15 minutes per day on weekdays, that is, a total of 10 sessions. During treatment, the patient will sit in a chair and a specialist nurse will administer the sequence of magnetic pulses. The intensity of the pulses will be adjusted to ensure that treatment is not painful. During the last session, a physician will assess the effec­ti­veness of the treatment and decide whether the patient requires any further treatment.

  4. rTMS further treatment

    If required, care can continue for another 9 sessions of further treatment, which will begin immediately after the initial treatment period. Further treatment must be agreed on separately with the patient.. 

When can treatment not be administered? 

Treatment is not suitable for patients who have metal in the head area (dental braces do not prevent treatment), a pacemaker, or an elect­rically powered pain management stimu­lator in the neck area. Treatment cannot be adminis­tered during pregnancy. Epilepsy is also a barrier to treatment. 


The patient can go home immediately after the treatment session. 

Effectiveness of the treatment 

The duration of the pain relief derived from rTMS treatment is individual and generally wears off gradually. Treatment will alleviate pain in about 30–50 per cent of patients suffering from nerve pain. Some patients may find that their pain inten­sifies, and treatment will then be stopped. A mild headache may occur during treatment, resulting from mild tension in the neck and shoulder muscles caused by sitting in one position. 

How do I find out if this treatment is suitable for me? 

Contact Orton’s customer service tel. +358 9 4748 2705

Customer Service sends you a question­naire you need to fill out to describe your symptoms. After returning the questionnaire, Customer Service will help you further.