Seeking treatment as EU/ETA-citizen or from outside

In Finland we have both public and private health care providers.
HUS Helsinki University Hospital and it’s New Children’s Hospital are public hospitals.
Hospital Orton is a private hospital.

Seeking treatment via Orton as patient from EU/ETA area

Orton offers treatment in HUS’s public hospitals as well as in its own private orthopedic hospital.
Patients seeking treatment via Orton are always private patients and will pay for their treatment themselves or by their insurance companies. Part of the costs may be reimbursed afterwards by the patient’s EU/ETA country.

Seeking treatment via Orton from outside EU/ETA area

All patients seeking treatment from HUS’s public hospitals or Orton’s private hospital from outside EU/ETA area are serviced by Orton. These patients will pay for their treatments themselves or by their insurance company.

Seeking treatment from public hospital as public patient from EU/ETA

If you come from EU/ETA area you can seek treatment from a public hospital and you will get treatment as any other public patient in Finland. There are two ways to cover the costs of your planned medical treatment in another EU country:

  • your country’s health insurance institution can cover all the costs directly (seek for prior authorization with S2-form)
  • you can pay for the treatment yourself and claim reimbursement afterwards

Information of planned medical treatment for patients from EU/ETA area.