Ismo Hämeenniemi

Physiotherapist, Manipulative physiotherapist / Maitland Concept ®

Language skills:

Finnish, English


Orton, Tenholantie 10, 00280 Helsinki, Finland
Ismo Hämeenniemi

Customer service and bookings

09 4748 2705 Online booking

Welcome to my appointment

My special expertise

Rehabilitation of patients with problems of the back, neck and upper and lower extremities, in particular rehabilitation of athletes (particularly runners) with musculoskeletal problems.
I also provide Kela's rehabilitation for the severely disabled.



Physiotherapist, B.Sc., 2000

Manipulative physiotherapist / Maitland Concept ®


30 min 84,30 €
45 min 102,30 €
60 min 125,80 €

In addition a service fee 7,50 € and 2,90 € Kanta-fee will be charged.

Kela compensation

These services are not reimburstable by Kela.