Joni Serlo

Specialist in Ortopedics and Traumatology

Language skills:

Finnish, English


Orton, Tenholantie 10, 00280 Helsinki, Finland
Joni Serlo ortopedian ja traumatologian erikoislääkäri

Customer service and bookings

09 4748 2705 Online booking

Welcome to my appointment

I treat patients over the age of 12.

My special expertise

My areas of expertise include hip and knee arthroplasty surgery, as well as the investigation and treatment of issues related to previously implanted hip and knee prostheses.


Typical issues for my patients include knee or hip pain, malalignment, and stiffness caused by osteoarthritis, other joint diseases, or previous injuries, as well as various problems following prior joint replacement surgeries.


20 minutes 110 €

30 minutes 150 €

45 minutes 190 €

Kela compensation

These services are currently not eligible for Kela compensation.