Tuomo Karila

Specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology

Language skills:

Finnish, Swedish, English


Orton, Tenholantie 10, 00280 Helsinki, Finland

Customer service and bookings

09 4748 2705 Online booking

Welcome to my appointment

I treat both adult and pediatric patients.
My appointment times can be booked online or by phone.

My special expertise

My special expertise is sports injuries and their surgical treatment, as well as surgical treatment of the lower extremities, especially hip and knee artificial joint surgery and artificial joint re-surgery, knee and ankle surgery, and ligament repair surgery.


Education and work experience

I have completed part of my specialization studies at Orton, so I am proud to be an “Ortonian.” I first worked as a doctor here at Orton in 2000 and since then I have worked here now and again.

I have worked as an orthopedist both in my home country and in New Zealand, where I have worked for a total of six years. In Finland, I have also worked in sports clinics at other private medical centers.

I have worked as a doctor for the Finnish Olympic team four times and as a doctor for the Finnish wrestling team. In addition, I have served on the Finnish and European Olympic Committee and the Medical Committee of the International Wrestling Federation.


20 min 110 €
30 min 149 €
45 min 175 €

Kela compensation

These services are reimbursed by Kela.